Slavery, servitude, forced labor, and human trafficking remain global concerns, and no industry or company can be considered immune to the different forms of modern slavery. COMPANY does not tolerate, in any form or context, the use of servitude, forced or bonded labor, human trafficking, or slavery, in its operations in any region in which we operate, or in any part of our global supply chain.
We are committed to follow and uphold the laws and regulations in all countries where we operate. Key principles and practices of our ethical business approach are set down for our employees in our Code of Conduct. We support, maintain, and constantly improve our employees’ knowledge, training, and continuous communication with them.
We offer multiple channels to report ethical concerns, through a dedicated email address, online portal, or via dedicated country-specific phone numbers. We respond to and investigate all concerns promptly and take any necessary corrective actions. All concerns are logged and tracked regularly. Our Ethics Helpline is open for employees and external stakeholders. Our helpline allows for anonymous reporting.
Our Code of Conduct provides the basis for our labor conditions, and underpinned by our Global Human Resources Framework and local employment laws, policies and fair labor practices. We adhere to the United Nations Universal declaration of human rights and the Global Compact and wherever we operate we meet the requirements of labor laws and regulations, and oftentimes strive to exceed those laws and regulations.
We are aligned with key elements of the social accountability standard SA8000. Our policies, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and Code of Conduct are implemented to help achieve the high standards we have set ourselves.
Our policies & SOPs cover:
- Child labor avoidance
- Forced labor avoidance
- Freedom of association & collective bargaining
- Worker-Management communication
- Non-discrimination
- Humane treatment
- Working time
- Disciplinary practices
- Compensation
- Occupational health and safety.
Zero tolerance for child and forced labor
We have a strict policy against using child labor and zero tolerance to all forms of forced, bonded, or imprisoned labor in our own operations and in our supply chain.
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
All our employees have the right to collective bargaining and freedom of association. Collective bargaining agreements are local, and in the vast majority of countries where we have collective bargaining agreements, those also cover employees who have chosen not to be members of a union. Nokia employees are free to join, not join, or leave unions and associations of their own choice, and select their representatives in accordance with local and international practices.